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V.92 LP PCI Express Modem
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Internal 56K
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Special Order Only
Milwaukee PC SKU:

The Model 3037 PCI Express Modem is an internal faxmodem which connects to a Windows computer through a PCI Express slot. The Model 3037 is a single lane (x1) PCI Express card, and will fit into any available PCI Express slot in a low-profile computer regardless of the lane size. The Model 3037 has complete regulatory compliance in 70 countries. It has also been tested as qualified for regulatory approval in another 26 countries, but with additional licensing fees required for full approval. The Model 3037 is designed to be fully operational in the remaining countries of the world where formal regulatory approval is not typically required. Specifics on the status of regulatory approval for the modem is available at The Model 3037 is a host-based modem, which uses the Central Processing Unit (CPU) of the computer in which the modem is installed to perform controller and data pump functions. The Model 3037 is fully compatible with all features of the latest V.92/V.44 international standards and will also communicate at V.90 and slower speeds.